
  • My latest book The Incredible Heist

    My latest book The Incredible Heist

    In my new book my friend Adam and I are naughty villains and steal the rarest Hot Rod Super-charged VW Bug in the world, and lead the police (and an annoying Seven News van) on a wild adventure into Shark Mountain. ...

  • 1974 VW SuperBug

    My Super Bug VW beetle

    I love my black 1974 Super Bug VW convertible beetle because its fast and its a bit naughty on the road. One day the police were sitting at the stop sign and the naughty Bug backfired in front of them, sounded like a gun shot, leaving them looking highly annoyed! 
  • Up the beach

    Up the beach

    Last week Gary Shark Bug went to Double Island Point with his friend Ash. He spent lots of time thinking about sharks while walking on some wild coastal walks and driving along the sand.  Gary Shark Bug has watched all...

  • Gary Shark Bug meeting Sea Shepherd Global CEO Captain Alex Cornelissen

    Supporting Sea Shepherd

    Gary Shark Bug is passionate about sharks, and when asked which charity he would like to support, he immediately nominated Sea Shepherd for all the good work they do with their Shark Defence Campaign. 5% of all sales from his online store goes to helping Sea Shepherd defend the oceans of the world.
  • We Launched!

    We Launched!

    Gary Shark Bug arrived at his Launch Party in style, in his black, super-charged VW Bug, wearing one of his iconic hand-drawn teeshirts. Immediately he began meeting and greeting guests as they arrived with delicious plates of food to share.
  • The Author

    The Author

    About the artist Gary Shark Bug follows his passion and represents the things he loves not just his art, but his name too. In 2006 Gary turned 18 and changed his name officially to the name above, in reference to...